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Peter Regan and Aviva Schneider K'76 Hiking.jpg
Scott's Facebook Car -- Red.jpg
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Hamilton & Kirkland Graduates & Friends




Hamilton & Kirkland Graduates & Friends



Class of 1975.  Past, present and future.

Fifty years ago, we all went to college in upstate New York, surrounded by hundreds of very smart people.  We went to class.  We hung out.  We listened to music, drank beer, danced, fell in and out of love.  We talked about politics, the war and Presidential pardons, the Red Sox, art and literature.  We studied, drank coffee and wrote papers late at night.  We met great people and grew up together. Then we graduated, packed our cars and drove away.

Since then, all those smart people have led interesting lives.  And although we've all chosen our own paths, it turns out that we still have a lot in common.  And we have a lot to share. 

That's what this website is for.  

HK 75 browser logo.png
Peter Arturi & Family in Squaw Valley CROPPED.jpg

Peter Arturi

What do we have in common?

We're all finding ways to concentrate on what's important in our lives.

Peter Arturi

What do we have in common?

We're all finding ways to concentrate on what's important in our lives.

Laura's Cows 4 IMG_3673 LR.jpg

Laura Tenney & Farming

We are taking on new challenges, even in retirement -- like raising Charolais and Angus cattle in Upstate New York.

Laura Tenney & Farming

We are taking on new challenges, even in retirement -- like raising Charolais and Angus cattle in Upstate New York.

Peter Regan and Aviva Schneider K'76 Hiking.jpg

Peter and Aviva

We are searching for the right balance between work and fun. 

Summer and winter.

Indoors and outdoors.

Familiar territory and the unexplored.

Peter and Aviva

We are searching for the right balance between work and fun. 

Summer and winter.

Indoors and outdoors.

Familiar territory and the unexplored.

Scott's Facebook Car -- Red.jpg

Scott Wright

We are indulging ourselves now and then.  (It's a rental.)

Scott Wright

We are indulging ourselves now and then.  (It's a rental.)

Ham Class 75 Parade 170_150606_hml_reunions_rgt_110.jpg

H Graduation

We remember Steak Nite...the Aaron Burr Lucky Shot Marching Kazoo Band...hockey games...beer in the Pub...green hard hats at graduation...great teachers...great classes...

H Graduation

We remember Steak Nite...the Aaron Burr Lucky Shot Marching Kazoo Band...hockey games...beer in the Pub...green hard hats at graduation...great teachers...great classes...


K Graduation

Most of all, we appreciate our old friends. 
Let’s reconnect, enjoy one another, and learn from one another.

Please email HK75class@gmail.com with
comments, suggestions and questions
about this website.

And please send any personal news and
photographs you’d like to share!

K Graduation

Most of all, we appreciate our old friends. 
Let’s reconnect, enjoy one another, and learn from one another.

Please email HK75class@gmail.com with
comments, suggestions and questions
about this website.

And please send any personal news and
photographs you’d like to share!