As I write this – in January – Peter Arturi is on the ice, having a fine time coaching two youth hockey teams.  But although he loves coaching, I’m sure he dreams of warm days, green fairways and bets to be settled at the bar after the 18th hole.  Nobody loves golf more than Peter does.

“The only noteworthy thing I've done since the summer is spend four days at Streamsong (a golf resort) in Florida in November with my three brothers.  It was a trip to celebrate my brother Phil's 60th birthday (he turned down Hamilton for Duke).  Brother Parrish  (he turned down Hamilton for Wake Forest) filled out our foursome.  Brother Perrin (Hamilton 1982) took all of our money.  We had a blast!”

Besides golf and hockey, Peter’s retirement routine includes two hours at the gym every other day, which is not as relaxing as you might imagine.  “While on the treadmill watching CNN, I am continually dismayed over the direction of our country under the leadership (I use that term loosely) of our lunatic president and inept congress.  Sigh.”
