When Carolyn York K’75 was in Denver for a conference last December, she stopped by Fort Collins to visit Elise and me.  It was great to catch up despite the whirlwind tempo of her trip.  From her headquarters in Washington, DC, she continues as the director of the National Education Association’s collective bargaining and member advocacy department.

That's Kate on the left, who just got engaged and is heading out west to Colorado Springs.  On the far side of Charlie and Carolyn is Alex, who will receive her master's degree in international trade at Tufts this May.  After graduation, s…

That's Kate on the left, who just got engaged and is heading out west to Colorado Springs.  On the far side of Charlie and Carolyn is Alex, who will receive her master's degree in international trade at Tufts this May.  After graduation, she hopes to return to Washington, DC to work in the federal government.

2017 is shaping up to be a year of milestones for Carolyn, Charlie and their 25-year-old twin daughters.  She and Charlie will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary this summer with an appropriately exotic trip.  Meanwhile, their daughter Kate recently became engaged and is moving from Columbus, Georgia, to Colorado Springs, where she plans to pursue a master’s degree in social work.  Their daughter Alex will receive her master’s degree this May in international trade at the Tufts’ Fletcher School.  Bravo!

Carolyn also reports that she was glad to catch up with fellow Edgemont High School classmates Dave Dince H’75 and Jeff Larson H’76 at their reunion last fall.

Edgemont HS Classmates celebrating their reunion and lookin' pretty darned good!  Photo by Nancy Adler.

Edgemont HS Classmates celebrating their reunion and lookin' pretty darned good!  Photo by Nancy Adler.

When Carolyn mentioned Jeff and Dave, I remembered that Buzz Morison sent over a few photographs from the good old days, and this was among them.  Couldn't resist.

When Carolyn mentioned Jeff and Dave, I remembered that Buzz Morison sent over a few photographs from the good old days, and this was among them.  Couldn't resist.

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