Writing from Houston in September, Kevin McTernan reported, “Our region received 39 to 51 inches of rain over 4 days, a monumental amount of moisture for an area already a big flat swamp and not known for great drainage! For you fellow hockey players out there, imagine Sage Rink with 40" boards, but more like the size of Delaware.  Now, fill it with water to the brim and over...that be our region!”

Like Bob Gyenge and his family, the McTs survived “with nary a leak or water damage, as was the case with Awty International School, where I work.” Kevin’s biggest challenge during the storm was a dead cell phone and his inability to monitor texts from his colleagues. “Now my big challenge is to commute to work on one of the few unflooded routes to work...a normally 25 minute drive is averaging an hour or more.”  Meanwhile, “We are stunned by the enormous goodwill and neighborliness we see all around us. Houston is really, truly, a friendly city. #Houstonstrong!”  

More recently, Kevin sent me these photos showing a bit of the flood's aftermath in his neighborhood.  Click on any photo to enlarge it.  Below, tour a Houston ghost neighborhood with Kevin.

Join Kevin on a bicycle tour through a ghost town.

In other news, Kevin has taken a new job in Colorado Springs, looking to return there in June after almost four years in Houston at Awty International School. "Houston has been an exotic gig," he says, "but I'm ready for a new gig at a Benedictine monastery and retreat center as their Director of Mission Advancement, one helluva holy fundraising job!"  

