In an earlier post, both here and in a recent issue of the printed Alumni Review, you read about John Emerson’s Honorary Doctor of Laws degree, which he received at Commencement in May 2017.  It was quite an event, and for John it was a great honor. 

With this degree John has joined a distinguished group that includes many great writers and journalists, musical composers and soloists, explorers of the natural world, philosophers, inspiring world leaders and visionaries in fields from finance and technology to medicine, online commerce, communications and education.  You can read about them, going back nearly 20 years, on the college website.

Honoring the college and the candidate

According to the college, “With the awarding of an honorary degree, the College recognizes distinguished achievement. It may be personal achievement in contributing to social progress or the advancement of knowledge or culture; or public achievement in the service of government, business, an institution, or the community. In general, the candidate's contributions should reflect the principles and objectives for which the College stands. And in general the candidate should bring honor to the College, and the College should bring honor to the candidate.”

Click on any of these images to see them larger.

Hamilton Recognizes a “Terminally Nice” Guy

At the ceremony last spring, John’s longtime friend and Hamilton charter trustee Susan Skerritt K’77, P’11 read the remarks below.  You can also see the ceremony online.  With these links you can either watch the entire Commencement (a 2-1/2-hour video) or fast-forward to John's award.

Congratulations, John!

Susan Skerritt's Remarks:

“Mr. President, I have the honor to present, for the degree of Doctor of Laws, John Bonnell Emerson.

"As a student on College Hill in the early 1970s, you participated in anti-war rallies and canvassed New York precincts on behalf of George McGovern. Several years later, after receiving your law degree from the University of Chicago, you moved to California and joined a prestigious firm specializing in business and entertainment law before serving as chief deputy city attorney in the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office.

“You remained active in politics, working on campaigns in the 1980s for Jerry Brown and Gary Hart, and even ran for State Assembly in 1991. Your early lead in that campaign made you a target, but you refused to go negative. “My gut told me not to,” you said. And then, even though you lost by just 31 votes, you opted not to request a recount. Your friends say those decisions capture the essence of who you are. An opponent’s political consultant in that race called you “terminally nice.”

“You broke through with a victory in 1992 when you served as Bill Clinton’s campaign chair in California and were rewarded with a White House appointment. During your time in Washington, you worked on personnel issues, advised on trade matters, acted as a liaison to the state governors and served as the president’s emissary to California after the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Following your White House tenure, you joined Capitol Group, one of the world’s largest investment management firms.

“You were leading the company’s Private Client Services Group when Barack Obama picked you to become U.S. ambassador to Germany, an opportunity you called “the honor of my life,” and for which you received the 2015 Sue M. Cobb Award for Exemplary Diplomatic Service, given annually to one non-career ambassador.

“For exemplary service to your country and proving that nice guys still have a place in politics, we honor you today.”
